Bizzy Bear My First Memory Game: Animals / Benji Davies   eslite誠品

Bizzy Bear My First Memory Game: Animals / Benji Davies eslite誠品

近一年最省 $245


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賣場名稱:eslite誠品 出版社:NOSY CROW ※建議使用年齡為2歲以上,2歲以下寶寶,請父母陪同閱讀,並留意翻閱,以免因為紙張堅硬,而造成幼兒肌膚受傷。 Bizzy Bear 滑片記憶遊戲書 四個場景:農場、動物園、海底世界、公園 搭配3種記憶遊戲 ,許多故事細節,等著小朋友發現探索,除了增進記憶力,過程中也能擴展字彙,建立語言學習自信心。 本書採視窗滑片設計,玩法多元。滑片不會散落,不凌亂。  1. 滑開右頁的小視窗,猜一猜左頁中的車子,在哪裡? 2. 隨機滑開2個小視窗,看看兩個圖案是否相同? 3. 仔細看看場景,找一找目標物在哪裡。 Play and learn with Bizzy Bear! With four fun scenes, three memory games and lots of animal details to spot, this busy book is designed to improve memory, build vocabulary, and promote book-confidence. And with no messy cards to tidy up afterwards, parents will love it too! Discover animals in four settings - on the farm, at the zoo, under the sea and at the park! Collect the other books in the Bizzy Bear series; other title available include: Bizzy Bear: Zoo Ranger, Bizzy Bear: Fire Rescue, Bizzy Bear: Racing Car and lots, lots more! 【詳細資料】 誠品貨碼 / 2682054155004 ISBN13 / 9781839944864 ISBN10 / 1839944862 EAN貨碼 / 9781839944864 材質 / 紙 裝訂 / 兒童厚紙版書 級別 / 無 尺寸 / 18X18X0CM 語言 / 英文 ■作者介紹 Benji Davies From a young age, Benji was invariably to be found drawing and painting at the kitchen table, a scene which is often repeated to this day. He is the illustrator of the incredibly successful Bizzy Bear titles, which have been published in 23 languages, and has written a number of recent picture books, including The Storm Whale and Grandad's Island. He is the winner of the inaugural Oscar's First Book Prize 2014 and the Sainsbury's Children's Book Award 2015. Benji lives in east London with his wife and young daughter.


