The Macmillan Fairy Tales Collection/來自世界各地的經典童話/Macmillan Children's Books eslite誠品

The Macmillan Fairy Tales Collection/來自世界各地的經典童話/Macmillan Children's Books eslite誠品



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來自世界各地的經典童話  超過50個世界各地童話,由《戰馬》Michael Morpurgo撰文介紹。 Macmillan出版童書已超過175年。The Macmillan Fairy Tales Collection利用本身悠久、豐富的資源,編輯這本首次在1800-1900年的出版的故事和藝術創作,並收錄插畫家的相關小故事,讀者可以一窺當時的名家Arthur Rackham、Walter Crane 和 Warwick Goble的經典繪畫。故事包含熟悉的安徒生童話、格林童話,如小美人魚、長髮公主、糖果屋…,以及世界各地,如俄羅斯的巫婆故事、印度樹精靈、日本的月亮精靈等。480頁,精裝, 金屬鏤空,金邊裝飾,精緻高雅。 A beautiful hardback treasury, containing over fifty fairy tales from around the world, introduced by award-winning author Michael Morpurgo. The perfect gift for fairy tale lovers of all ages. This glorious collection contains much-loved favourites from Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm, such asThe Little Mermaid, Rapunzel and Hansel and Gretel, alongside lesser known fairy tales, such as the Chinese story of Bayberry, who rescues his sister, Little Red, from a devious dragon. Bringing together amazing stories from across the world, there are tales of witches from Russia, tree ghosts from India, magical moon spirits from Japan and many more. Fully illustrated throughout, with beautiful colour and line-work images from iconic Golden Age illustrators, including Arthur Rackham, Walter Crane and Warwick Goble. A sumptuous 480 page gift hardback, complete with a foiled cut-through cover, gold foiled edges and a ribbon marker, The Macmillan Fairy Tales Collection is a book to share and treasure. Macmillan has been publishing children's books for over 175 years. Drawing on Macmillan's rich historical archive, The Macmillan Fairy Tales Collection contains stories and artwork from treasuries first published in the 1800s and early 1900s. Plus an informative section about some of the authors and artists behind those original collections. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681999675004 ISBN13/9781529041569 ISBN10/1529041562 EAN/9781529041569 尺寸/27X21.6X3CM 語言/英文 頁數/480 級別/無 裝訂/精裝 Macmillan has been publishing children's books for over 150 years, and is the original publisher of much-loved children's classics Alice in Wonderland and The Jungle Book. Inspired by Macmillan's rich literary heritage, The Macmillan Fairy Tales Collection contains stories and illustrations first published in collections in the 18th and early 19th centuries. With stories from authors including Charles Kingsley, Annie and Eliza Keary, and Hallam Tennyson; and illustrations from iconic artists such as Randolph Caldecott, Arthur Rackham, Warwick Goble and W. Heath Robinson.


