DIGITAL GROUND -9780262134354 絕版英文設計書 [建築人設計人的店-上博圖書]

DIGITAL GROUND -9780262134354 絕版英文設計書 [建築人設計人的店-上博圖書]

近一年最省 $228


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[注意] 1 本店只販售正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2 下標前可以蝦皮聊聊是否商品有現貨。 3 下單前請再次確認選購的商品款式,商品須保持全新,並於取貨後15天內提出。若經拆封、使用後導致商品缺乏完整性,恕不提供退貨服務。 [商品資訊] by Malcolm McCullough Hardcover: 290頁 出版社: The MIT Press (2004 ) 語言: English ISBN-10: 0-262-13435-7 ISBN-13: 9780262134354 [商品內容] A theory of place for interaction design. Digital Ground is an architect's response to the design challenge posed by pervasive computing. One century into the electronic age, people have become accustomed to interacting indirectly, mediated through networks. But now as digital technology becomes invisibly embedded in everyday things, even more activities become mediated, and networks extend rather than replace architecture. The young field of interaction design reflects not only how people deal with machine interfaces but also how people deal with each other in situations where interactivity has become ambient. It shifts previously utilitarian digital design concerns to a cultural level, adding notions of premise, appropriateness, and appreciation. Malcolm McCullough offers an account of the intersections of architecture and interaction design, arguing that the ubiquitous technology does not obviate the human need for place. His concept of digital ground expresses an alternative to anytime-anyplace sameness in computing; he shows that context not only shapes usability but ideally becomes the subject matter of interaction design and that environmental knowing is a process that technology may serve and not erode. Drawing on arguments from architecture, psychology, software engineering, and geography, writing for practicing interaction designers, pervasive computing researchers, architects, and the general reader on digital culture, McCullough gives us a theory of place for interaction design. Part I, Expectations, explores our technological predispositions―many of which (situated interactions) arise from our embodiment in architectural settings. Part II, Technologies, discusses hardware, software, and applications, including embedded technology (bashing the desktop), and building technology genres around life situations. Part III, Practices, argues for design as a liberal art, seeing interactivity as a cultural―not only technological―challenge and a practical notion of place as essential. Part IV, Epilogue, acknowledges the epochal changes occurring today, and argues for the role of digital ground in the necessary adaptation.


