LEGO Super Nature/Rona Skene eslite誠品

LEGO Super Nature/Rona Skene eslite誠品

近一年最省 $481


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✰樂高迷必收藏!跟著LEGO一起探索大自然!   你知道有一種植物會吃昆蟲嗎?會飛翔的哺乳類動物是誰呢?與樂高積木一起探索世界!由超過100個特別制定的樂高模型為基礎,展現充滿活力與魅力的大自然世界,所有插圖皆由樂高製作而成,並且附有真實的樂高積木,讓小朋友可以自己動手組裝,製作出4個專屬的樂高模型,不只能探索花草樹木、昆蟲鳥類等自然景觀,還可以打造屬於自己的靈感與創意! Children will love learning about nature with this reference book packed with more than 100 specially commissioned LEGO models Discover the natural world with LEGO® bricks! Did you know there's a plant that eats insects? And a mammal that can fly? LEGO® Super Nature is packed full of fascinating facts from the natural world, all illustrated with LEGO builds. Best of all, the book comes with bricks to make four exclusive LEGO mini-builds. From insects, flowers and trees to mammals, birds and deepwater fish, LEGO Super Nature takes you on a tour of discovery through the wonders of the natural world. You will learn all about the amazing plants and creatures we share our planet with, their homes and the weird and wonderful things they get up to. Specially commissioned plant and animal builds illustrate the lively text, giving ideas and inspiration for building your own LEGO models. ©2021 The LEGO Group. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681991894007 ISBN13/9780241469347 ISBN10/0241469341 EAN/9780241469347 材質/紙/ 塑膠 尺寸/28.2X21.9X0CM 裝訂/精裝 頁數/80 語言/英文 級別/無 DK We believe in the power of discovery. That's why we create books for everyone that explore ideas and nurture curiosity about the world we live in. From first words to the Big Bang, from the wonders of nature to city adventures, you will find expert knowledge, hours of fun and endless inspiration in the pages of our books.


