Undoctored: The Story of a Medic Who Ran Out of Patients/Adam Kay eslite誠品

Undoctored: The Story of a Medic Who Ran Out of Patients/Adam Kay eslite誠品



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全球熱賣!BBC影集《棄業醫生的秘密日記》作者亞當.凱2022笑中帶淚動人新作! 《Undoctored: The Story of a Medic Who Ran Out of Patients》 英國高人氣作家亞當.凱!《棄業醫生的秘密日記》閱讀人數達數百萬,翻譯成37種語言,並改編成BBC影集! 時而艱難時而有趣,當然還有心碎的時刻,在令人驚訝的續作中展現最誠實和最深刻的省思,呈現他與醫學密不可分的生活。 Adam Kay's secret diary from his time as a junior doctor This is Going to Hurt was the publishing phenomenon of the century. It has been read by millions, translated into 37 languages, and adapted into a major BBC television series. But that was only part of the story. Now, Adam Kay returns and will once again have you in stitches in his painfully funny and startlingly powerful follow-up, Undoctored: The Story of a Medic Who Ran out of Patients. In his most honest and incisive book yet, he reflects on what's happened since hanging up his scrubs and examines a life inextricably bound up with medicine. Battered and bruised from his time on the NHS frontline, Kay looks back, moves forwards and opens up some old wounds. Hilarious and heartbreaking, horrifying and humbling, Undoctored is the astonishing portrait of a life by one of Britain's best-loved storytellers. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682210112001 ISBN13/9781398700383 ISBN10/139870038X EAN/9781398700383 裝訂/平裝 頁數/288 語言/英文 級別/無 尺寸/23.4X15.3X0CM Adam Kay Adam Kay is an author, screenwriter and comedian. His books have sold over 3 million copies, have raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity, have been translated into thirty-seven languages, and have won numerous awards. But he doesn't like to boast. He lives in Oxfordshire with his dog and husband (two separate individuals).


