The Power of the Dog/Thomas Savage eslite誠品

The Power of the Dog/Thomas Savage eslite誠品



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Netflix 原創電影《犬山記》2022奧斯卡獎12項入圍 BC班奈狄克·康柏拜區主演 Now an award-winning Netflix film by Jane Campion, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Kirsten Dunst: Thomas Savage's acclaimed Western is a pitch-perfect evocation of time and place (Boston Globe) for fans of East of Eden and Brokeback Mountain. Set in the wide-open spaces of the American West, The Power of the Dog is a stunning story of domestic tyranny, brutal masculinity, and thrilling defiance from one of the most powerful and distinctive voices in American literature. The novel tells the story of two brothers — one magnetic but cruel, the other gentle and quiet — and of the mother and son whose arrival on the brothers’ ranch shatters an already tenuous peace. From the novel’s startling first paragraph to its very last word, Thomas Savage’s voice — and the intense passion of his characters — holds readers in thrall. Gripping and powerful...A work of literary art. —Annie Proulx, from her afterword 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682100683000 ISBN13/9780316436601 ISBN10/0316436607 EAN/9780316436601 重量(g)/0.0 尺寸/20.8X14X2.3CM 級別/無 語言/英文 裝訂/平裝 頁數/304


