Heretics of Dune/沙丘 5: 異端/Frank Herbert eslite誠品

Heretics of Dune/沙丘 5: 異端/Frank Herbert eslite誠品



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經典科幻電影《沙丘》(沙丘魔堡) 全球熱銷原著小說! 啟發《星際大戰》、《駭客任務》,《風之谷》、世界地球日 無數文學、生態、社會、大眾娛樂作品的發想起源 為生存,或為自由 「神帝」雷托的王朝結束,藉著極度高壓才能達成的穩定一夕崩解,人類彷彿受到反作用力推了一把,踏上了向外探索的道路。人人出發的理由不一而足,可能是為了逃避席捲星球的大饑荒,也可能是為了從無數社會動盪的事件中脫身,也可能是為了尋找不曉得是否存在的機會……數以億萬計的人類,如同煙火飛散到宇宙的各個角落,時間轉瞬過了一千五百年。 宇宙間的勢力各有消長,忒萊素人無與倫比的技術發展到可以人工製作香料,但卻發現最重要的產物甦亡人逐漸不受自己控制。貝尼‧潔瑟睿德女修會的聖母重拾育種計畫,擁有奇特技能的「尊母」卻是她們最熟悉的同伴與最致命的死敵。而在沙蟲面臨滅絕危機的時刻,亞崔迪家族出現了一位能控制沙蟲的少女……宇宙的危機風起雲湧,黃金之道是否會斷絕,身處風暴中的人,沒人能說得清。 本中文書介出自《沙丘 5: 異端》大家出版 Book Five in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles—the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time Leto Atreides, the God Emperor of Dune, is dead. In the fifteen hundred years since his passing, the Empire has fallen into ruin. The great Scattering saw millions abandon the crumbling civilization and spread out beyond the reaches of known space. The planet Arrakis—now called Rakis—has reverted to its desert climate, and its great sandworms are dying. Now the Lost Ones are returning home in pursuit of power. And as these factions vie for control over the remnants of the Empire, a girl named Sheeana rises to prominence in the wastelands of Rakis, sending religious fervor throughout the galaxy. For she possesses the abilities of the Fremen sandriders—fulfilling a prophecy foretold by the late God Emperor…. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681908641007 ISBN13/9780593098264 ISBN10/0593098269 EAN/9780593098264 尺寸/10.7X19X4.8CM 裝訂/口袋裝 頁數/688 語言/英文 級別/無 作者介紹 Frank Herbert is the bestselling author of the Dune saga. He was born in Tacoma, Washington, and educated at the University of Washington, Seattle. He worked a wide variety of jobs—including TV cameraman, radio commentator, oyster diver, jungle survival instructor, lay analyst, creative writing teacher, reporter and editor of several West Coast newspapers—before becoming a full-time writer. In 1952, Herbert began publishing science fiction with “Looking for Something?” in Startling Stories. But his emergence as a writer of major stature did not occur until 1965, with the publication of Dune. Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, and Chapterhouse: Dune followed, completing the saga that the Chicago Tribune would call “one of the monuments of modern science fiction.” Herbert is also the author of some twenty other books, including The White Plague, The Dosadi Experiment, and Destination: Void. He died in 1986.


