The LEGO Ideas Book (New Ed.)/樂高/Simon Hugo/Tori Kosara/Julia March/Catherine Saunders eslite誠品

The LEGO Ideas Book (New Ed.)/樂高/Simon Hugo/Tori Kosara/Julia March/Catherine Saunders eslite誠品



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史上最暢銷樂高創意書全新升級 +200多個全新樂高玩家組裝創意   看看專業樂高設計師如何發揮創意,學習樂高玩家的拼組訣竅,再用樂高解鎖你自己的想像力,打造自己專屬的夢幻家園、外星運動中心、時光機、空中花園等主題場景!樂高創意無極限!要做什麼都可以!   四位作者中的 Simon Hugo是一位樂高作家,有許多暢銷的樂高著作。其他三位作者皆是童書作家。四位作者聯手,為小讀者編寫易懂易操作的樂高書籍。 A brand new edition of the best-selling LEGO® book of all time - with hundreds of all-new models! Unlock your imagination with this colourful treasury of more than 200 new building ideas created by LEGO® fan builders. Learn tips and tricks to become a better builder. Find out how professional LEGO designers get their ideas and meet the fan builders. Get inspired to make your own LEGO creations with ideas to build your dream home, create an alien sports centre, design a time machine, grow your own brick-built rooftop garden, and much more. There is no limit when it comes to LEGO ideas. What will you build? ©2022 The LEGO Group. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682209055005 ISBN13/9780241469422 ISBN10/0241469422 EAN/9780241469422 裝訂/精裝 頁數/200 語言/英文 級別/無 尺寸/28X23.6X1.7CM 作者介紹 Simon Hugo Simon Hugo is the author of several best-selling LEGO books including LEGO Absolutely Everything You Need To Know, the LEGO DC Super Heroes Character Encyclopedia and LEGO Star Wars: Choose Your Path. Tori Kosara Tori Kosara is a children's book writer and editor from New York. Tori has a master's degree in Children's Literature from Roehampton University, and has written more than 40 books for children, including The LEGO Book of Bedtime Builds. She lives in East London, England. Julia March Julia March is a writer and editor with more than 16 years' experience in children's licensing. Her titles include LEGO Batman Movie: the Essential Guide; LEGO Ninjago Movie: the Essential Guide; and a variety of DK Readers and sticker books. Julia lives and works in London. Catherine Saunders Catherine Saunders is a writer and editor, specialising in non-fiction. She has written about everything from dinosaurs to Darth Vader, and is passionate about creating engaging and accessible content for all ages.


