House Finds a Home/Katy S. Duffield eslite誠品

House Finds a Home/Katy S. Duffield eslite誠品



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賣場名稱:eslite誠品 出版社:VIKING 尋找家的房子 如同維吉尼亞.李.巴頓的《小房子》 堅毅溫暖 房子沒有心嗎?有喔!房子喜歡住在裡面的人、喜歡孩子們嘎嘎的笑聲、喜歡手足間的擁抱、喜歡親子間的唱和、喜歡自己有各式各樣顏色、喜歡自己是一幀繽紛的照片,成為這家人共同的回憶。 可是住在這裡的家庭搬走了,房子感到心是空的,就像空空的房間一樣。房子變安靜了、變暗了,顏色不見了……有誰能幫房子找到「家」的感覺? 而後,開始有新的家庭入住、離開;再另一個家庭入住、離開,每個家庭陸陸續續在這個房子留下回憶。房子知道新的居民會帶來新的方式,而一直不變的是,這裡的每一角都流瀉著滿滿的愛。 Reminiscent of the children’s classic The Little House comes a picture book about a house and how the world changes both outside and inside of it over generations. House has always loved the people inside. When they move out, House’s halls grow quiet, his windows dark. He hopes with all his shingles that there will be other inhabitants and joys to discover. As generations pass, House experiences new people and traditions and learns that love can come in many forms. Reminiscent of the beloved children’s classic The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton, Katy S. Duffield’s lyrical, heartwarming text and Jen Corace’s exquisite illustrations bring warmth and vulnerability to the different ways a house becomes a home. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682176410005 ISBN13/9780593204603 ISBN10/0593204603 EAN/9780593204603 頁數/40 語言/英文 裝訂/精裝 級別/無 尺寸/28.6X23.8X1.1CM 作者介紹 Katy S. Duffield Katy S. Duffield is the author of more than thirty books for children. She lives in Arkansas in a house that’s full of love. Jen Corace Jen Corace is the illustrator of many bestselling books for children, including Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Telephone by Mac Barnett. She has a BFA in illustration from Rhode Island School of Design, and she lives and works in Providence, Rhode Island.


