Minecraft Mob Squad 3: Don't Fear the Creeper/Minecraft【當個創世神】官方授權小說/怪物小隊3:別怕爬行怪/Delilah S. Dawson eslite誠品

Minecraft Mob Squad 3: Don't Fear the Creeper/Minecraft【當個創世神】官方授權小說/怪物小隊3:別怕爬行怪/Delilah S. Dawson eslite誠品



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賣場名稱:eslite誠品 出版社:DEL REY Minecraft【當個創世神】官方授權小說 《怪物小隊3:別怕爬行怪》     之前托克不見時,怪物小隊加入了一個新成員。他們穿越主世界,深入地獄,一次又一次化險為夷,守護聚寶盆鎮。不過,聚寶盆鎮的大人一向把愛冒險的小孩當作害群之馬,只有瑪爾的曾曾曾祖母相信這群小孩的能力。當老奶奶生了重病,怪物小隊決心不顧一切找到能治百病的金蘋果。在守護牆外冒險的途中,他們被跟蹤了。解救老奶奶之前,他們得先擺脫這困境。   【怪物小隊】系列由美國科幻小說作家黛萊拉.道森創作,她的作品包括暢銷小說 Star Wars: Phasma《星際大戰:法斯瑪》。 The Mob Squad must outwit a mysterious new enemy as they journey across the Overworld of Minecraft in this official novel! The Mob Squad are the greatest heroes the town of Cornucopia has produced since it was founded: Mal the bold, Lenna the strong, Tok the wise, and Chug the steadfast. And Jarro, who’s renounced his bullying ways to reveal a truly kind heart. Together they’ve journeyed across the Overworld, delved into the Nether, and saved the day for Cornucopia again and again. So why can’t they get any respect from the adults who run the town? The only one who understands is Nan, Mal’s great-great-great-grandmother, who trained them to be as resourceful and adventurous as she was in her day. So when Nan gets sick and isn’t getting any better, the kids refuse to just sit by and do nothing. There’s something out there that can help her—an enchanted golden apple that can cure just about anything. And the Mob Squad will stop at nothing to get it. But as they venture outside the walls of Cornucopia, they aren’t counting on being followed. The kids soon discover a mysterious foe whose motives are as unknown as the face they hide behind a creeper’s head. If the Mob Squad wants to rescue Nan, they’re going to have to save themselves first. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682232797002 ISBN13/9780593597712 ISBN10/0593597710 EAN/9780593597712 裝訂/平裝 頁數/272 語言/英文 級別/無 尺寸/21X14X1.7CM Delilah S. Dawson Delilah S. Dawson is the author of the New York Times bestseller Star Wars: Phasma, Hit, Servants of the Storm, the Blud series, the creator-owned comics Ladycastle and Sparrowhawk, and the Shadow series (written as Lila Bowen). She lives in Florida with her family and a fat mutt named Merle.


