Designing Your New Work Life/Bill Burnett/ Dave Evans eslite誠品

Designing Your New Work Life/Bill Burnett/ Dave Evans eslite誠品

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賣場名稱:eslite誠品 出版社:VINTAGE INTERNATIONAL 史丹佛設計學院知名的生涯規畫課程教授《做自己的生命設計師》作者新書!_x000D_ 後新冠時代,我們該如何掌握自己的生活!?_x000D_ From the authors of the #1 New York Times bestseller Designing Your Life--a timely, urgently needed book that shows us how to transform our new uncharted work life into a meaningful dream job or company._x000D_ With updated tools, tips, and design ideas that show us how to navigate disruption (global, regional, or personal) and create new possibilities for our post-COVID work world and beyond._x000D_ Bill Burnett and Dave Evans successfully taught graduate and undergraduate students at Stanford University and readers of their best-selling book, Designing Your Life (The prototype for a happy life._x000D_ --Brian Lehrer, NPR), that designers don’t analyze, worry, think, complain their way forward; they build their way forward._x000D_ And now more than ever, we all need creative and adaptable tools to cope with the chaos caused by COVID-19._x000D_ In Designing Your New Work Life, Burnett and Evans show us how design thinking can transform our present job, and how it can improve our experience of work in times of disruption._x000D_ All disruption is personal, write Burnett and Evans, as with the life-altering global pandemic we are living through now._x000D_ Designing Your New Work Life makes clear that disruption is the new normal, that it is here to stay and that it is accelerating._x000D_ And in the book’s new chapters, Burnett and Evans show us step by step, how to design our way through disruption and how to stay ahead of it--and thrive._x000D_ Burnett and Evans’s Disruption Design offers us a radical new concept that makes use of the designer mindsets: Curiosity, Reframing, Radical collaboration, Awareness, Bias to action, Storytelling, to find our way through these unchartered times._x000D_ Burnett and Evans show us, with tools, tips, and design ideas, how we can make new possibilities available even when our lives have been disrupted (be it globally, regionally, or personally), giving us the tools to enjoy the present moment and allowing us to begin to prototype our possible future._x000D_ _x000D_ 【詳細資料】_x000D_ 誠品26碼/2682067123007_x000D_ ISBN13/9780593467459_x000D_ ISBN10/0593467450_x000D_ EAN/9780593467459_x000D_ 尺寸/20.2X13.2X2.1CM_x000D_ 級別/無_x000D_ 頁數/400_x000D_ 裝訂/平裝_x000D_ 語言/英文_x000D_ _x000D_ Bill Burnett_x000D_ Bill Burnett is the executive director of the Stanford Design Program, and was a product leader for Apple’s groundbreaking PowerBook business._x000D_ He directs the undergraduate and graduate program in design at Stanford._x000D_ Dave Evans_x000D_ Dave Evans is the Codirector of the Stanford Life Design Lab, and a cofounder of Electronic Arts, one of the world’s largest interactive entertainment companies._x000D_ He holds a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford.


