Carmela Full of Wishes/Matt de la Peña eslite誠品

Carmela Full of Wishes/Matt de la Peña eslite誠品



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賣場名稱:eslite誠品 出版社:G.P. PUTNAM'S SONS 快快長大 認識溫暖豐富的世界_x000D_ 《市場街最後一站》 作家畫家再次聯手合作_x000D_ 今天是Carmela的生日,許個願吧!Carmela想要快快長大,像哥哥一樣能幹,幫忙跑腿看看外面的世界。_x000D_ 今天,她的願望終於能實現了!她滑著板車跟哥哥來到農人彎腰辛苦工作的農場,伴著濃濃青草香,Carmela也彎腰採摘;到附近社區,駝背的老婆婆會微笑打招呼;經過爸爸等待工作的修繕店、穿越擁擠的公車站、麵包店、酒店…抵達洗衣店,在這,兄妹倆發現蒲公英。_x000D_ 「在吹拂之前許個願吧!」,Carmela沉思了一會,想了一想,該許什麼願望呢?每一個願望都是對世界的呵護呢!_x000D_ When Carmela wakes up on her birthday, her wish has already come true - she's finally old enough to join her big brother as he does the family errands._x000D_ Together, they travel through their neighbourhood, past the crowded bus stop, the fenced-off repair shop, and the panaderia, until they arrive at the Laundromat, where Carmela finds a lone dandelion growing in the pavement._x000D_ But before she can blow its white fluff away, her brother tells her she has to make a wish._x000D_ If only she can think of just the right wish to make._x000D_ With lyrical, stirring text and stunning, evocative artwork, Matt de la Pena and Christian Robinson have crafted a moving ode to family, to dreamers, and to finding hope in the most unexpected places._x000D_ _x000D_ 【詳細資料】_x000D_ 誠品26碼/2681630434007_x000D_ ISBN13/9780399549045_x000D_ ISBN10/0399549048_x000D_ EAN/9780399549045_x000D_ 裝訂/精裝_x000D_ 頁數/40_x000D_ 語言/英文_x000D_ 級別/無_x000D_ 尺寸/22.9X25.4CM_x000D_ _x000D_ Matt de la Peña is the Newbery Medal-winning author of Last Stop on Market Street._x000D_ He is also the author of Love; A Nation's Hope: The Story of Boxing Legend Joe Louis; and six critically acclaimed young-adult novels._x000D_ Matt teaches creative writing and visits schools and colleges throughout the country._x000D_ Matt lives in Brooklyn, NY._x000D_ You can visit Matt at or on Twitter @mattdelapena.Christian Robinson is a 2016 Caldecott Honoree and also received a Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor for his art in Last Stop on Market Street._x000D_ His picture books include the Gaston and Friends series; Leo: A Ghost Story; School's First Day of School; The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade; Josephine: The Dazzling Life of Josephine Baker; and many more._x000D_ You can visit Christian at or on Instagram @theartoffun.


