The Rebel and the Kingdom: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Overthrow the North Korean/Bradley Hope eslite誠品

The Rebel and the Kingdom: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Overthrow the North Korean/Bradley Hope eslite誠品



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從高材生到激進分子,解放北韓的聖戰進行中 《華爾街日報》記者霍普接觸自由朝鮮等激進組織,生動介紹其領導人艾崔安.鴻.張。 張就讀耶魯大學期間建立「千里馬民防」守護脫北者。 他受姜哲煥著作《平壤水族館》和紀錄片《漢城火車》啟發,赴中國營救脫北者,行動失敗入獄。 他在美國創立「自由朝鮮」以推翻金正恩政權。 他因北韓駐馬德里大使館扣留人質事件成為美國通緝對象,不知所蹤。 How did an Ivy League activist become a global fugitive? The New York Times bestselling co-author of Billion Dollar Whale and Blood and Oil chronicles the heart-pounding tale of a self-taught operative his high-stakes attempt subvert the North Korean regime. “Propulsive . . . Hope’s account is both deeply reported and novelistic.”—Ed Caesar, contributing staff writer for The New Yorker, author of The Moth and the Mountain In the early 2000s, Adrian Hong was a soft-spoken Yale undergraduate looking for his place in the world. After reading a harrowing account of life inside North Korea, he realized he had found a cause so pressing that he was ready to devote his life to it. What began as a trip down the safe and well-worn path of organizing soon morphed into something more dangerous. Hong journeyed to China, outwitting Chinese security services as he helped asylum-seeking North Koreans escape across the border. Meanwhile, Hong’s secret organization, Cheollima Civil Defense (later renamed Free Joseon), began tracking the North Korean government’s activities, and its volatile third-generation ruler, Kim Jong-un. Free Joseon targeted North Korean diplomats who might be persuaded to defect, while drawing up plans for a government-in-exile. After the shocking broad-daylight assassination in 2017 of Kim Jong-nam, the dictator’s older brother, Hong, along with U.S. Marine veteran Christopher Ahn, helped ferry Kim Jong-nam’s family to safety. Then Hong took the group a step further. He initiated a series of high-stakes direct actions, culminating in an armed raid at the North Korean embassy in Madrid—an act that would put Ahn behind bars and turn Hong into one of the world’s most unlikely fugitives. In the tradition of Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild, The Rebel and the Kingdom is an exhilarating account of a man who turns his back on the status quo—to instead live boldly by his principles. Acclaimed journalist and bestselling author Bradley Hope—who broke numerous details of Hong’s operations in The Wall Street Journal—now reveals the full contours of this remarkable story of idealism and insanity, hubris and heroism, all set within the secret battle for the future of the world’s most mysterious and unsettling nation. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682254698004 ISBN13/9781399806183 ISBN10/1399806181 EAN/9781399806183 裝訂/平裝 頁數/272 語言/英文 級別/無 尺寸/23.4X15.3X0.1CM Bradley Hope Bradley Hope, based in London, is the New York Times bestselling co-author of Billion Dollar Whale and Blood and Oil. He is a Pulitzer Prize finalist and Gerald Loeb Award winner.


