The Little Prince (Picador Classic Ed.)/Antoine de Saint-Exupéry eslite誠品

The Little Prince (Picador Classic Ed.)/Antoine de Saint-Exupéry eslite誠品



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賣場名稱:eslite誠品 出版社:PICADOR 永恆經典《小王子》 小說家  凱特.摩斯導讀, 獲頒法國藝術與文學榮譽騎士勳章的文學翻譯家  羅絲.施瓦茨翻譯。 「因你為玫瑰傾注的時間,使你的玫瑰變得重要。 」「真正重要的東西用眼睛是看不見的。 」 《小王子》是法國文學家安東尼.聖修伯里聞名於世的作品。 他對成人世界的詮釋、對愛情的剖析,成就了一本澄澈純淨的哲學寓言,成為許多人一生的珍藏,在人生不同階段閱讀都會有不同領悟,是每個人一生必讀的經典。 1943年出版後,各國發行了諸多版本,閱讀率僅次於《聖經》。 這個版本是皮卡多爾出版社的經典系列, 邀請重量級小說家與翻譯家導讀、翻譯。 With an introduction by Kate Mosse Translated by Ros Schwartz All grown-ups were children once (but most of them have forgotten). A pilot who has crash landed in the desert awakes to see an extraordinary little boy. 'Please,' asks the stranger, 'will you draw me a little lamb!' Baffled by the little prince's incessant questioning, the pilot pulls out his pencil, and starts to draw. As the little prince's curiosity takes them further on their journey together, the pilot is able to piece together an understanding of the tiny planet from which the prince has come and of his incredible travels across the universe. First published in 1943, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated into more than 250 languages, becoming a global phenomenon. Heart-breaking, funny and thought-provoking, it is an enchanting and endlessly wise fable about the human condition and the power of imagination. A book about both childhood and adulthood, it can be read as a parable, a war story, a classic children's fairy-tale, and many more things besides: The Little Prince is a book for everyone; after all, all grown-ups were children once. 'The Little Prince moves from asteroid to desert, from fable and comedy to enigmatic tragedy, in order to make one recurrent point: You can't love roses. You can only love a rose' Adam Gopnik, New Yorker 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682286366001 ISBN13/9781509811304 ISBN10/1509811303 EAN/9781509811304 級別/無 尺寸/21X13.5X1CM 裝訂/平裝 頁數/128 語言/英文 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Antoine De Saint Exupéry, born in Lyon 29 June 1900, was a French writer and aviator. He is best remembered for his novella The Little Prince, and for his books about aviation adventures, including Night Flight (1931) and Wind, Sand and Stars (1939). In 1921 he began his military service and trained as a pilot. He became one of the pioneers of international postal flight. At the outbreak of the Second World War he joined the French Air Force flying reconnaissance missions until the armistice with Germany. Following a spell writing in the United States, he joined the Free French Forces. He went on a mission to collect information on German troop movements in the Rhone valley on 31 July 1944 and was never seen again. His plane disappeared. It was assumed that he was shot down over the Mediterranean. An unidentifiable body wearing French colours was found several days later and buried in Carqueiranne that September.


