Young People and the Belt and Road―Opportunities and Challenges in Central and Eas[9折]11100934264 TAAZE讀冊生活網路書店

Young People and the Belt and Road―Opportunities and Challenges in Central and Eas[9折]11100934264 TAAZE讀冊生活網路書店



1. 透過LINE購物進入蝦皮後禁止再透過蝦皮直播下單,避免訂單認列異常 2. 請務必「清空」蝦皮購物車,再透過LINE購物連結至蝦皮商店進行購買 ;先把商品加入購物車,再從LINE購物連結至蝦皮結帳,將無法獲得點數回饋。 3. 請避免連續下單,若您完成交易後,想下第二張訂單,請重新從LINE購物連結至蝦皮商店進行購買 4. 電子票券及繳費服務類別:回饋0%。 5. 請留意,蝦皮超市內的商品(蝦皮超市、蝦皮直送美妝、蝦皮免運直送)不隸屬於蝦皮商城,點數回饋請依照「蝦皮超市」商店頁為主。 6. 蝦皮商城之訂單適用於部分點數紅包,規範請依該紅包頁說明為主。 7. 點數回饋將依照蝦皮提供扣除折價券、運費與蝦幣後之最終金額進行計算。 8. 同一商品品項(即便不同尺寸規格),皆會計入同一筆返點上限進行計算 9. 用戶需於同一瀏覽器進行交易(若自動跳轉 APP,請在 APP交易)。 10. 若使用不同物流或付款方式,將拆分成不同筆訂單編號發送通知。 11. 若使用折價券折抵,可能會有攤提折抵導致訂單金額些微落差 12. 蝦皮會將LINE的導購跳轉紀錄與蝦皮的會員ID進行綁定,若後續七天內未透過其他媒體來源導入蝦皮官網,則七天內於該蝦皮帳號下訂的首筆訂單會被蝦皮認列為該LINE用戶導購跳轉時所成立之訂單。 13. 若同一用戶使用一個以上蝦皮帳號透過LINE購物進行導購,將可能導致無法收到導購通知,亦可能無法收到點數,再請留意。 [注意事項] 1.如導購途中用戶由網頁版(電腦版/手機版網頁)切換為 App 會造成追蹤中斷而無法進行 LINE Points 回饋 2.若購買過程中關閉蝦皮APP,則需重新透過LINE購物前往蝦皮商城,否則無法進行LINE POINTS 回饋。 / 3.如用戶先前往蝦皮商城將商品加入購物車,後續透過LINE購物前往至蝦皮商城將購物車結清,此方案將不列入 LINE Points 回饋 4.若因系統異常無法追蹤訂單,致使消費者無接收到點數回饋,蝦皮保有更改條款與法律追訴之權利 5. LINE購物商品價格若與蝦皮賣場實際價格有異,以蝦皮賣場價格為準


商品資料 作者:Young Belt and Road (YBNR) International 出版社:三聯書店(香港)股份有限公司 出版日期:2021/04/09 ISBN/ISSN:9789620447709 語言:繁體/中文 裝訂方式:平裝 頁數:504 原價:670 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 內容簡介 Young People and the Belt and Roadis a joint effort by over 40young people across 20 countries to tell their stories about the future of Central and Eastern Europe, China, and the Belt and Road Initiative. In 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative, which envisions a world with better development, better connectivity, and better cooperation was launched in Kazakhstan,. As a global, multi-generational vision, the Belt and Road Initiative will primarily benefit the young people of the world today. To ensure the success of the Initiative, their voices need to be heard. This is particularly urgent as little systematic work has been done to encourage the participation of young people. This publication places the focus on young people and asks them the question: what should the Belt and Road Initiative look like for you? In this book, young authors from 16 Central and Eastern European nations share ins 《青年與一帶一路》一書是由超過20個國家、40位年輕人共同努力的成果。他們討論中國及16個中東歐國家在一帶一路倡議的機遇與挑戰。由於這是中文讀本較少涉及的領域,而且都是所屬國家的年輕人執筆,所以彌足珍貴。事實上,這些國家在聯繫歐洲及亞洲方面,都扮演著關鍵的角色。他們大都是上世紀90年代以後,由前蘇聯加盟共和國獨立,之後大部分成為歐盟及北約一員,而每個國家都有著複雜悠久的歷史、獨特的自然及人文資源,以及不同程度的發展。 作者簡介 Young Belt and Road International is a Hong Kong-based NGO founded and directed by young people. Our members include young people with diverse academic backgrounds from all across the world. In 2017, we launched a publication project about youth development that culminated in this book. Since then, we have also co-hosted annual youth conferences that focus on the Belt and Road Initiative. By creating an open, intellectual network, we aim to find solutions for the greatest challenges of our time. For more information, please visit . 編輯委員會主席王宸曦,現就讀牛津大學公共政策碩士。


