The Folklore Oracle/神諭卡/Mike Bass eslite誠品

The Folklore Oracle/神諭卡/Mike Bass eslite誠品



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賣場名稱:eslite誠品 出版社:Watkins Publishing ✰獨特華麗手繪風格 ✰揭開神話傳說的扉頁 厭倦了日常的喧囂,渴望一場奇幻的邂逅?《The Folklore Oracle》邀請你踏入古老傳說交織的秘密花園,從大腳怪、美人魚、神秘女巫到森林綠人,60幅精美的插圖,以典雅木刻版畫呈現,喚醒你沉睡的想像力,發現心靈的秘密和真實渴望。 此神諭卡將引導你: - 解答內心的疑惑,尋找生命的指引 - 點燃創意的火花,激發創作靈感 - 重新與自然世界建立連結 - 為日常生活注入魔法,每一天都充滿驚喜 每張神諭卡皆附詳細解說,指導你如何與神話角色的能量連結,揭示牌卡的深層含義。 The only oracle deck to tap into the current interest in folklore. These 60 beautifully illustrated cards feature famous characters, plants and animals from across UK and US folklore, from White Bison and Sasquatch (Big Foot) to Herne the Hunter, Sheela-na-gig and the Green Man. This wonderful linocut-style card deck features characters and beings from the folklore of the UK and the US: Creatures such as Mermaid, the Brownie, the Boogyman, Sasquatch, Black Shuck and the Jackalope. Divinities such as the Green Man, the Muse, the Banshee, Pan, Sheela-na-Gigh and Herne the Hunter. Trees such as Oak, Maple, Willow, Yew, Hazel and Redwood. Animals and birds such as Fox, Raven, Badger, Rattlesnake, Wolf and Eagle. A booklet details a profile for each card, including a key quality, information to bring the character or being to life and guidance about what the card means for you when it comes up and how to connect with the character's energy. Use the deck as an oracle to answer questions, to fire up creativity, connect with nature, and enrich daily life with a sense of magic. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682456603004 ISBN13/9781786787750 ISBN10/ EAN/9781786787750 頁數/192 裝訂/N:無 語言/3:英文 尺寸/4.0 x 1.7 x 5.5 inches 級別/N:無 提供維修/無 作者介紹 Mike Bass Mike Bass grew up in a house with spirits and has always been fascinated by myths, folklore and the supernatural. He is a print maker, folklorist and storyteller who loves hearing a good tale as much as telling one. In his art, he combines ink and pencil drawings with printed textures to create minimally layered illustrations with rough lines and simple and opaque palettes that works well with the folkloric subjects. He owns the Zip-Dang shop in Madison.


