The Sherwood Oracle: Hidden Lore of the Wild Forest/超細緻古典手繪插畫風‧雪伍德魔幻森林神諭卡/John Matthews/ Mark Ryan eslite誠品

The Sherwood Oracle: Hidden Lore of the Wild Forest/超細緻古典手繪插畫風‧雪伍德魔幻森林神諭卡/John Matthews/ Mark Ryan eslite誠品



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賣場名稱:eslite誠品 出版社:Sterling Ethos 超細緻古典手繪插畫風‧雪伍德魔幻森林神諭卡 The lore behind the figures Robin Hood and the Merry Men are some of the most enduring of all myths and legends, and their paths affect everyone who reads about them. This is a deck that breathes life into the forests of Sherwood, where romance, heroism, and the supernatural occur in equal parts, and questions about the most archetypal characteristics found in the human psyche can be answered. Written by the creators of the bestselling The Wildwood Tarot—including Mark Ryan, who starred in the cult-favorite TV series Robin of Sherwood—and illustrated by iconic artist Anne Yvonne Gilbert, this is an enchanting and enlightening tool for uncovering the legends hidden in the human subconscious. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682459107004 ISBN13/9781454946113 ISBN10/ EAN/9781454946113 頁數/256 裝訂/N:無 語言/3:英文 尺寸/7.9*5.9*2英吋 級別/N:無 提供維修/無 作者介紹 John Matthews John Matthews is an award-winning author and co-creator of The Wildwood Tarot (with Mark Ryan). Mark Ryan Mark Ryan is an actor known for numerous roles, including Nasir in the cult-favorite 1980s series Robin of Sherwood. Anne Yvonne Gilbert Anne Yvonne Gilbert is an award-winning British artist and book illustrator.


