The Tales of Beedle the Bard/J. K. Rowling eslite誠品

The Tales of Beedle the Bard/J. K. Rowling eslite誠品



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吟遊詩人皮陀故事集  插畫版 凱特格林威大獎3次得獎畫家─克里斯‧里德爾 Chris Riddell插畫 《吟遊詩人皮陀故事集》是魔法世界的童話書,鄧不利多遺留給妙麗,由妙麗解譯。共5個故事,其中〈三兄弟的故事〉曾經在《死神的聖物》中出現。5個故事詼諧、充滿智慧,隱含著鄧不利多欲告訴後人,善心終得好報,而自私必招毀滅的真理。此插繪版由凱特格林威大獎3次得獎畫家的克里斯·里德爾 Chris Riddell創作。尼爾蓋曼Neil Gaiman  的The Graveyard Book (墓園裡的男孩)Coraline (第十四道門)的繪圖即出自Chris Riddell之手。 The dazzlingly brilliant Chris Riddell brings his magical illustration talents to J.K. Rowling's gloriously inventive The Tales of Beedle the Bard in a fully illustrated colour edition of this essential classic for Harry Potter fans. Translated from the runes by Hermione Granger, the volume includes 'The Tale of the Three Brothers', familiar to readers of Harry Potter from the crucial role it played in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Mischievous and witty, these five rollicking tales are a deeply satisfying read in the tradition of all great fables and fairytales. Kindnesses are rewarded and selfishness shown to be the ruin of many a wizard. Burping cauldrons, hairy hearts and cackling stumps are met along the way. Each of the tales is accompanied by a deliciously subversive and insightful commentary by Professor Albus Dumbledore, all brought vividly to life with Riddell's trademark wit and elegance. Former Waterstones Children's Laureate Chris Riddell is the only illustrator to have won the Kate Greenaway Medal three times, and is brought together here for the first time with one of the world's best loved storytellers in this new edition of J.K. Rowling's fairytale classic. Much loved by generations of witches and wizards since they first appeared in the fifteenth century, this beautifully illustrated edition is set to become a firm favourite at bedtime in non-magical households the world over. The Tales of Beedle the Bard is published in aid of Lumos, an international children's charity founded in 2005 by J.K. Rowling. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681587401008 ISBN13/9781408898673 ISBN10/1408898675 EAN/9781408898673 裝訂/精裝 頁數/160 語言/英文 級別/無 尺寸/20X13X1.5CM


