Wine Folly: Magnum Edition/大師終極版葡萄酒大全/葡萄酒愛好者及新手的完美指標/Madeline Puckette/Justin Hammack eslite誠品

Wine Folly: Magnum Edition/大師終極版葡萄酒大全/葡萄酒愛好者及新手的完美指標/Madeline Puckette/Justin Hammack eslite誠品



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世界葡萄酒指標網站《》推出大師終極版葡萄酒大全 葡萄酒愛好者及新手的完美指標 《》因為創新及容易理解的葡萄酒學習法而備受矚目,這本全新擴充內容的精裝書非常適合想提升葡萄酒知識的學習者。大師終極版葡萄酒大全內容包括: ●超過百種葡萄品種及葡萄酒顏色編碼,方便你找尋喜歡的新酒 ●探索葡萄酒產區,包括頂級葡萄酒產區的詳細地圖以及希臘和匈牙利等新興地區 ●以國家分類各種葡萄酒酒標,例如法國、義大利、西班牙、德國和澳洲 ●新增與葡萄酒最搭配的食物章節 ●學習葡萄酒的酸度和單寧,讓你也能像行家般品嚐葡萄酒 ●更多必學小技巧,幫助你快速理解複雜的葡萄酒世界,成為真正的專家 不論你是《》的終極粉絲,或是想以有趣及實用的方式學習葡萄酒知識,這絕對是葡萄酒愛好者的最佳選擇。 The expanded wine guide from the creators of, packed with new information for devotees and newbies alike. Wine Folly became a sensation for its inventive, easy-to-digest approach to learning about wine. Now in a new, expanded hardcover edition, Wine Folly: Magnum Edition is the perfect guide for anyone looking to take his or her wine knowledge to the next level. Wine Folly: Magnum Edition includes: ●more than 100 grapes and wines color-coded by style so you can easily find new wines you'll love; ●a wine region explorer with detailed maps of the top wine regions, as well as up-and-coming areas such as Greece and Hungary; ●wine labeling and classification 101 for wine countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Austria; ●an expanded food and wine pairing section; ●a primer on acidity and tannin--so you can taste wine like a pro; ●more essential tips to help you cut through the complexity of the wine world and become an expert. Wine Folly: Magnum Edition is the must-have book for the millions of fans of and for any budding oenophile who wants to boost his or her wine knowledge in a practical and fun way. It's the ultimate gift for any wine lover. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681599756004 ISBN13/9780525533894 ISBN10/0525533893 EAN/9780525533894 頁數/320 尺寸/18.4X24.1CM 級別/無 裝訂/精裝 語言/英文 作者介紹 Madeline Puckette is a certified sommelier with the Court of Master Sommeliers and worked in several restaurants as a sommelier or a server before creating Wine Folly. Her design work with Wine Folly has been contracted by Wines of France, Wines of Bordeaux, Wines of Beaujolais, the Court of Master Sommeliers, the Guild of Sommeliers, the Washington State Wine Commission, and Rhône Valley Wines. In 2013, Wine Folly was named Wine Blogger of the Year by International Wine & Spirits Competition. Besides drinking wine, writing, and designing for the blog, Puckette loves working on cars, cycling, running, and open-water swimming. Before becoming a sommelier, Puckette was a music producer and singer. Justin Hammack is a founding partner of Wine Folly and leads conceptual development, interactive tools, and marketplace branding. He is responsible for maintaining strict creative goals that emphasize frictionless education. Hammack also handles all videography and photography for the blog.


