Maisy at Home: A First Words Book/小鼠波波在家日: 第一本學習單字書/基礎單字硬頁書 / Lucy Cousins eslite誠品

Maisy at Home: A First Words Book/小鼠波波在家日: 第一本學習單字書/基礎單字硬頁書 / Lucy Cousins eslite誠品



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《小鼠波波開心在家》基礎單字硬頁書 和Maisy一起學習,樂趣特別多!   小鼠波波在家時喜歡玩球、玩具、拼圖、堆積木。她還喜歡演奏樂器!在這本硬頁書裡,可以看到波波在家裡喜歡做的十件事。快來看看波波在家都做些什麼,把相關的單字通通學起來!鮮豔活潑的插圖,搭配耐用的頁籤設計,讓小寶貝自己翻閱到想看的那一頁。是相當適合寶貝學習的單字書。   作者露西.卡森曾獲英國史馬提斯優良童書金牌獎、義大利波隆那插畫獎及知識類圖書獎。1990年第一本小鼠波波圖畫書出版後,小鼠波波很快就擄獲全世界小讀者的心。 It's time to learn with Maisy! This brilliant book is full of first words and bright pictures, with colourful tabs to help little hands turn the pages! Join Maisy on her day at home! From the kitchen to the playroom to the bedroom, there are so many fun objects to spot and say. Each page is themed around different things children encounter indoors, and all the items are clearly labelled to help develop language and deepen understanding of the world. The bold and bright tabs make it easy for little ones to locate their favourite pages again and again! 【詳細資料】 誠品貨碼 / 2681813311002 ISBN13 / 9781406379464 ISBN10 / 1406379468 EAN貨碼 / 9781406379464 裝訂 / 兒童厚紙版書 頁數 / 20 語言 / 英文 級別 / 無 尺寸 / 19X19X1.3CM ■作者介紹 Lucy Cousins Lucy Cousins is the multi-award-winning creator of Maisy. Her unique titles fascinate toddlers with their child-like simplicity, bold outlines and vivid colours. Maisy does things that children all over the world do, Lucy Cousins says of her superstar mouse. The way she dresses, the way she acts, are typical of children all over the world. Lucy Cousins works from her home in Hampshire, England. Other titles include the Smarties Book Prize-winner Jazzy in the Jungle; Hooray for Fish! - which has appeared in animation in Japan; the bestselling New York TimesTop 10 Best Illustrated Children's Book Yummy; the critically acclaimed Peck Peck Peck, which won Best Picture Book in the Booktrust Best Book Awards, as well as the British Book Design and Production Award in the Children's Trade category; and more recently A Busy Day for Birds and Splish, Splash Ducky!


