The Visual MBA: A Quick Guide to Everything You'll Learn in Two Years of Business School/Jason Barron eslite誠品

The Visual MBA: A Quick Guide to Everything You'll Learn in Two Years of Business School/Jason Barron eslite誠品



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圖說MBA課程,告別花費巨資與兩年的修課期,讓你從MBA圖解中,了結何謂工商管理。  你想要改變事業與工作生涯,但是卻沒有足夠的經費和時間投注在商管碩士課程?  在這本圖解MBA中,作者Jason Barron提出了一個基本的解決方案。當他開始上商管碩士班時,他就決定將文字筆記圖像化,使他人能從中獲益。  作者這樣的做法是對的。根據研究顯示,65%的人是視覺型的學習者,而大腦處理圖像的速度是處理文字的6萬倍!現在,透過這本圖解MBA,你將快速習得商管課程的關鍵概念,而且只需要花少許的費用。  從市場行銷、職場倫理、會計、組織行為、量化分析、財務金融、作業管理到策略,作者的速寫筆記圖將幫助你快速理解何謂MBA關鍵詞。 Learn an entire MBA course without spending thousands and waving goodbye to two years of your lifeIf you want to succeed in business then an MBA programme is the best way to build expertise, knowledge and experience. But an MBA programme at any top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and money. In The Visual MBA, Jason Barron offers a radical solution, explaining all key business school concepts through illustrations.When Barron started his MBA course, he decided to draw all his notes so that other people could benefit from them. And it's a good thing he did, because research shows that more than 65% of us are visual learners and that our brains process illustrations 60,000 times faster than text.From Marketing, Ethics and Accounting to Organisational Behaviour, Finance, Operations and Strategy, The Visual MBA distils the most important principles of an MBA into an accessible, informative and easily-digestible guide.Jason Barron is a product manager and illustrator who helps people realise their creative ideas through visual learning. He spent 516 hours in class and countless hours studying at home completing his MBA. Along the way, rather than taking notes that he would never read again, Jason created sketchnotes for each class and has turned them into an interesting and engaging resource so that you don't have to sit through another class again! 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681727705003 ISBN13/9780241386682 ISBN10/0241386683 EAN/9780241386682 尺寸/23.4X15.3X1.7CM 裝訂/平裝 頁數/208 語言/英文 級別/無


