LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts at Christmas/超人氣樂高 × 哈利波特 × 聖誕節/DK eslite誠品

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts at Christmas/超人氣樂高 × 哈利波特 × 聖誕節/DK eslite誠品



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【LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts at Christmas】 ✰超人氣樂高 × 哈利波特 × 聖誕節 在霍格華茲感受聖誕節的魔力!特別推出穿著聖誕舞會長袍的樂高角色偶~   進入樂高建構的哈利波特聖誕節世界,參觀霍格華茲度過一個回味無窮的聖誕節,用你最喜歡的樂高角色偶慶祝這個季節! 與角色一起在大廳裡享用盛宴,欣賞城堡的聖誕裝飾,並準備好在聖誕舞會中跳舞,然後去葛萊芬多交誼廳玩一盤巫師象棋,在熊熊燃燒的壁爐前取暖跟朋友交換禮物~   精心設計的節日場景和最新的樂高套裝,是送給樂高迷或哈波迷的完美禮物! Explore the magic of Christmas at Hogwarts! Features Harry Potter minifigure in Yule Ball robes. Enter the festive world of LEGO® Harry Potter™ and visit Hogwarts for a spellbinding Christmas. Celebrate the season with your favourite LEGO Harry Potter minifigures and join them for a feast in the Great Hall. Admire the castle's Christmas decorations and get ready to hit the dance floor at the Yule Ball. Head to the Gryffindor common room to play a game of wizard chess, warm up in front of a roaring log fire, and join Harry as he exchanges gifts with friends. Sprinkled with festive scenes and the latest LEGO Advent Calendars, sets, and minifigures, this is the perfect gift for young LEGO Harry Potter fans. LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts at Christmas comes with a Harry Potter minifigure in Yule Ball robes. © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s20). ©2020 The LEGO Group. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681991893000 ISBN13/9780241469392 ISBN10/0241469392 EAN/9780241469392 材質/紙/ 塑膠 尺寸/23.3X19.3X0CM 裝訂/精裝 頁數/80 語言/英文 級別/無 DK We believe in the power of discovery. That's why we create books for everyone that explore ideas and nurture curiosity about the world we live in. From first words to the Big Bang, from the wonders of nature to city adventures, you will find expert knowledge, hours of fun and endless inspiration in the pages of our books.


