【Taiwan】Jazz Concert



發佈時間: 2019-11-01 00:04

更新時間: 2019-11-01 00:04



An internatIONal musician comes to Taiwan playing his performance sponsored by an international mobile company in National Concert Hall. How long diSTANCE are there between the musician and us? Probably, the price of the ticket decides the distance.


However, the Jazz concert performed by Julian Moreen is not that case. He leads his musician partners from worldwide playing and singing Jazz in a music studio where we are closer with players. Andrew pLAYS guitar born in Malaysia graduated from Berklee College of Music. Jack from Taiwan plays double bass. Konstantin Kräutler plays drums from Vienna, Austria. They come to here to introduce us new form of Jazz, a boundaryless and de-generation Jazz.




The song, Sons and daughters, is one of that kind of de-generation songs written by Julian who was inspired by a climate issue protest raised by German young generation. Who blames young generation doesn’t care about our society, our country or our global? Who criticizes we cannot communicate with each other among generations? Listen to the song, there is an answer. Watch the performance, they demonstrate non-verbal communication among players. How can they be so intimate based on the fact that they do not live and practice together all the time.  



EMPTY room, the song is another common sensation we share during depression. As a human, we do feel alone or even helpless. Followed by the melody, the song recalls those feelings we had. But this time instead of empty room, we GATHER together in a comfort living room full of nice people who love jazz too around us. Maybe we can connect our habits to expel the loneliness and gather our power help others in need. Julian claims himsELF as an optimist so that he likes to put happiness in the end. He believes that life will be better as we help with each other.



During the Jazz performance, we reALLY enjoy watching their performance which they do help each other simultaneously to create melodical and temporal notes bursting in the room to pleasure our ears. What kinds of Jazz do you like? ASIA Jazz or European Jazz? How about immerse ourselves in such a borderless form of Jazz.




資料來源【Taiwan】Jazz Concert