新聞分享 / 前任 Nike 設計師 Mark Miner、Denis Dekovic、Marc Dolce 正式出任 adidas 職務



發佈時間: 2019-11-14 02:17

更新時間: 2019-11-14 02:17


2014 年自 Nike 轉往 adidas 旗下的三位重量級設計師 Marc Dolce、Mark Miner 以及 Denis Dekovic,歷經被前東家控告將高層機密洩漏給競爭對手,並求償 1,000 萬美元賠償金的風波後,最終他們履行了前份合約中為期一年的非競爭條款,和只有內部才知道的賠償金額。日前 Marc Dolce 在自己的社群網站公布,他和兩位好友已經開始在 adidas 位於紐約的設計工作室 Brooklyn Creator Farm 任職,擔任副總裁及創意總監,未來將領導 adidas 德國總部以及美國波特蘭分部的相關設計人員進行產品性能研發。

三位設計師過去在 Nike 時期曾主導許多突破性的鞋款,像是足球鞋 Magista, Nike Free Running 系列以及 Lunar Force 1 和 Air Penny V 等作品,如今這三人加入了三條線的大家庭,相信無論負責單一個系列產品,或是參與明星簽名鞋款的設計,對於日後 adidas 的影響以及變化,都讓人非常的期待。

• We are inspired, honored and excited to be a part of the amazing adidas FAMILY. During the past year, we've witnessed an incredible transformation which made adidas the brand of choice for today's youth. This transformation was enabled by: /// New partnerships and collaborations with creators like Kanye West and Pharrell Williams. /// Industry defining performance innovation products that captured the hearts and minds of the modern youth. /// Cultural shift to being an open source brand, which through the creation filter of Futurecraft enabled great concepts to allow everyone to take a sneak peak into the future. We've all seen it — the future is bright! The amazing teams in Herzo, Portland and all across the organization have played pivotal roles in this transformation. You've earned the tremendous respect and admiration for the work that you're doing. The success that you've generated creates the unprecedented opportunity to truly become the world's BEST sport company. This opportunity demands that we do our best work ahead — and together, we will!

A photo posted by Marc Dolce (@marcdolce) on

圖片來源:Sole Collector




資料來源新聞分享 / 前任 Nike 設計師 Mark Miner、Denis Dekovic、Marc Dolce 正式出任 adidas 職務