新聞分享 / 身體不再是障礙 Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 35 FlyEase 擁抱每個人破二夢想



發佈時間: 2019-11-15 03:06

更新時間: 2019-11-15 03:06


2015 年時,Matthew Walzer 這位準大學生寫了一封信給 Nike,內容訴說他簡單的夢想,因為是腦性麻痺者,所以希望上大學後可以每天自己綁鞋帶而不用別人擔心,FlyEase 結構正因這件事啟發,解決身體不便者的問題(詳細站內報導)。Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 系列從 32 代開始就傳承這重要使命,如今 Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 35 也應用 Flyease 技術。

Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 35 FlyEase 版本一樣使用全長式 Zoom Air 氣墊,鞋面材質也沒有太大變動,特別處在於後跟處加入 FlyEase 的拉鍊構想,再加上 Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 35 本身就有的新鞋口輪廓,使得穿脫更加方便,也維持阿基里斯腱該有的舒適包覆。Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 35 FlyEase 目前可在美國 Nike.com 上購得,定價 120 美金。


俄勒岡大學二年級學生 Justin Gallegos,也與上述的 Matthew Walze 同樣是腦性麻痺者,他努力挑戰自己,從最初能夠自己平衡站立,到可維持長達 7 分鐘的運動時間並加入田徑隊,更Breaking 2 後的一年他提出大膽的想法──兩小時內完成半程馬拉松,Nike 聽到這件事後,邀請他參與 Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 35 FlyEase 的研發過程,提供意見回饋,Justin Gallegos 穿著這雙鞋履完成了半馬比賽,雖然越過終點時計時器停在 2:03:49,不過他也期許在今年底前,能再挑戰一次並完成自己半馬破二的夢想,相信 FlyEase 結構也會相伴他左右。

At points in my life growing up, I was viewed through a stereotypical lens by some people. A lens in which many just assumed that I would fail or not succeed! This happened less often in my running life and more in my school life dealing with factors of my disability. However, these moments in my life have helped make me the person and athlete I am today! If someone says that you cannot do something, don’t settle, prove them wrong! Do be drowned out by the noise of everyone who is hard set on telling you what you are capable of when they barely know you! Running does not push me to my limits, it makes me realize I have none! Like fears, limits are very often allusions of the mind! Running is my therapy because I have become stronger physically, mentally, and even emotionally! We say that lots of things are impossible but more often than not, impossible is just a deep word thrown around by shallow people. Being limitless doesn’t make you indestructible, being limitless make us realize our full potential in life! There are no do overs no matter what people try and pass it off as! Surround yourself with people who bring positive spirits and positivity into your life! Be #Limitless! #NikeRunning #Xendurance #PushYourself #NoSuchThingAsADisability #StrongerEveryMile #RunGum #RunTheDay @nikerunning @xendurance @rungum

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資料來源新聞分享 / 身體不再是障礙 Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 35 FlyEase 擁抱每個人破二夢想