歐洲自由行│波蘭華沙自助│安全嗎?機場、交通、物價看這篇就夠│Travel│Warsaw│Is Poland safe? Airport, transportation, cost of living



發佈時間: 2019-12-01 13:46

更新時間: 2019-12-01 13:46

挑戰:完全不會波蘭文、女生solo travel、7天不換波蘭幣&只用信用卡

安全嗎?「東歐」=灰暗的城市?Is it safe to travel?

September 2018, I told myself to be brave and decided to visit Poland.

Is Poland safe? Does Warsaw city look very gloomy?

a solo-travel woman like me, can’t speak a word in polish, I landed in Warsaw and decided only to pay with plastic during my 1-week stay.


“The less you know, the more scared you will be. But gladly, the worst is usually in your imagination.” I often say this to my friends with a mindful smile, as if I were a wise philosopher.

But I was so scared before my trip to Warsaw and I checked many websites to make sure it’s a safe city/ country. Always easier to say than doing it, isn’t it?

I thought Warsaw would look gloomy, dark and conservative because of it’s architecture style and color. But really, without even knowing how I get my old impression towards Poland, I landed in Warsaw in late evening.


All the worries disappeared upon landing, the airport is bright and clean, peace floating in the air. Good infrastructure and everything works.

waw airportwaw airport



(exchange rate on 2018/09/24)

1 USD = 3.65 PLN
1 EUR = 4.30 PLN
1 PLN = 8.40 PLN

Credit card works everywhere.

喬西這次待一週,沒有換錢,全部刷信用卡,visa/ master卡都可以。只有買交通票的機器要輸入pin code,其他地方都用簽名、或免簽。

During my 7-day stay, I didn’t exchange any local currency. I can use my visa and master cards everywhere. Only the metro/bus/train ticket machine requests to enter PIN code. The rest of the shops asks you to sign, sometimes no need to sign when use credit cards.

Airport to city? Follow the ‘train’ sign


看到紅色的自動售票機,點選英文,按「paper ticket」(紙票卡/非加值磁卡)
->按「 90 minutes」(90分鐘內任轉乘鐵路、巴士、路面輕軌、地鐵)
-> 按「adult」(成人)

單程機場往市區的票價 PLN 4.4。車上有網路。

火車到市區約50分鐘,市區很小,90分鐘的票通常一定可以抵達。所以你買的那張紙票,可以搭機場火車、到市中心後轉乘的路面輕軌、巴士、地鐵。別擔心。路線通常照著google map就可以了噢。


Don’t worry, it’s not complicated at all, just follow the ‘train’ sign and it will lead you to airport train to city. Buy a ’90-min ticket’ for your ride at the red ticket machine, since the city is not so big, you should be able to reach your hotel if it’s in downtown.

It takes about 50 mins to central train station, with the same ticket, you can transfer to metro, bus, tram, just make sure it’s within 90 minutes.

90-min ticket to city: PLN 4.4/ each. Wifi available in the train.

If your brain is too tired to function, ask a local to help. Polish people are very friendly and helpful. You will be fine.

UBER 貴嗎? costly?

人數多的話,uber 便宜,喬西離開時華沙時白天搭,17km約台幣303元而已。所以如果人多,機場/市區可以一起搭uber省時間。

Uber is an affordable option, too. I took uber to airport (daytime), 17km (about 25 mins) cost PLN 36.03.

螢幕快照 2018-09-24 下午3.39.54螢幕快照 2018-09-24 下午3.39.54

Public transportation:

Warsaw city in early morning, very photogenic.

市區不大,景點幾乎都在zone 1,都走得到,如果不確定逛的速度,建議可以買個3-5張20分鐘的單程票放身上,有需要再用。

市區日票day-pass zone 1是PLN 15
市區日票day-pass zone 1+2是PLN 26
單程票 20-min 任轉乘是PLN 3.4

Most tourist attractions are in zone 1 and can be reached by foot. If you are not sure if you need day-pass, I suggest you buy some single-ride 20-min tickets and use when needed.

waw trainwaw train
waw train platformwaw train platform

物價可愛 (Very) affordable

Cost of living? (very) Affordable.


Comparing with central-western Europe, Nordic countries, and Manhattan,it’s a very affordable place to visit.

餐廳價格 Dine in restaurants



在市中心,燈光美、氣氛佳的餐廳,一餐大約PLN 30-50 (主食、湯、啤酒),如果要吃牛排、海鮮,再加PLN 20-30。餐廳啤酒一杯約PLN 6.5-15,看餐廳的種類、地點和外國人多寡而定。

如果想省錢簡單吃,找當地人的餐館,約PLN 8-15可吃飽。

Yes, you can dine in restaurant everyday for at least 1 meal.

I was in Manhattan and New Jersey last week, so price in Warsaw seems very lovely now! A decent meal in downtown fancy restaurants costs approx. PLN 30-50, including main dish, a soup, a beer, add PLN 20-30 more if you have steak or seafood.

Beer costs PLN 6.5-15, depending on how fancy the restaurant is.

Local diner would be a budget choice, a meal costs about PLN 8-15.

超市價格/ Supermarkts

超市一瓶水(1.5L) 約PLN 1.2-2,啤酒一瓶550mL約PLN 5-8,啤酒跟台灣差不多。

Water 1.5L is PLN 1.2-2; beer 550mL is PLN 5-8.

買太多?郵局寄包裹 Sending international package

為什麼要特別提這點呢?因為,我的天啊!波蘭藥妝太好買,連我這種平時藥妝無感的人,走進去都差點出不來。然後行李瞬間增重 6-7公斤,這…這…


PLN 8.5 紙箱+封箱膠帶,郵局買。
PLN 98.0 一般海運,寄回台灣。

Why mention this? People, listen! If you like cosmetics and body care products, bring a empty suitcase with you! Yeah~!

I am usually blind to beauty products but somehow I ended up buying 6-7 kg…if your suitcase is already full before traveling, just like mine, then send a parcel back if you don’t want to pay up at airport check-in.

PLN 8.5 a box + duct tape, but at post office
PLN 98.0 sending 6.8kg package by sea to Asia

Wrap the entire box with duct tape, it might highly possibly break because it’s very thin.

1.此網站中內容如無特別標注文字、圖片、影片或其他素材的來源,皆出自喬西本人之手,充滿愛與汗水,就是要分享最好的給你,歡迎轉載或引用,但請標明出處: https://letsgo4.blog
2 歡迎愛旅行、想旅行的你,一起來交流討論噢!有特別想看什麼主題嗎?快跟喬西說,搞不好很多人也跟你一樣想知道!
3 想看最即時的分享嗎?追蹤我的instagram吧!帳號 chelsea_fufu

資料來源歐洲自由行│波蘭華沙自助│安全嗎?機場、交通、物價看這篇就夠│Travel│Warsaw│Is Poland safe? Airport, transportation, cost of living