忠犬小八成了空山基的機械狗 UNIQLO x 涉谷藝術單位 NANZUKA “NEO-MIYAGE” 台灣販售資訊



發佈時間: 2020-02-12 12:22

更新時間: 2020-02-12 12:22

隱身在涉谷某建築地下 2 樓的藝廊空間 NANZUKA,除了時常舉辦潮流藝術展覽外,在去年更為重新開幕的 PARCO Shibuya 打造二樓的 Gallery 區域,並邀請美國藝術家 Daniel Atsham 與空山基聯手合作帶來一件機器手臂與考古水晶手臂「攜手」的雕塑作品,看得出 NANZUKA 在潮流藝術界的影響力,NANZUKA 藝廊所屬畫家包含空山基、田名網敬ㄧ、橫山裕ㄧ、山口はるみ、佃弘樹及森雅人等。

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The exhibition extended Until 19th Jan 2020 ️Please don’t miss ———————————————————————————Daniel Arsham / Hajime Sorayama Arsham x Sorayama November 22 – January 19, 2020 NANZUKA 2G ———————————————————- NANZUKA is pleased to announce the opening of our new gallery space NANZUKA 2G in Shibuya PARCO, which marks is grand opening this fall. Established as a part of “2G,” a studio jointly planned and operated by Medicom Toy and Motofumi “Poggy” Kogi, it is a unique art space that constantly engages in developing new collaborations through links to toys and fashion. This exhibition — marks the first collaborative exhibition between Sorayama and Arsham. The creativity of these two artists, who both attempt to transcend time, place, and even the forms of life itself through their powers of imagination, has come to achieve an inevitable fusion. The exhibition consists entirely of new works, and features a painting by Sorayama, along with two sculptural works produced collaboratively by the two artists. ———————————————————- @danielarsham @hajimesorayamaofficial @2gtokyo @medicom_toy @poggytheman @parco_shibuya_official #nanzuka #2gtokyo #nanzuka2g

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這回 UNIQLO UT 宣布與 NANZUKA 合作,找來 13 位知名藝術家包含田名網敬一、空山基、橫山裕ㄧ、西班牙藝術家 Javier Calleja、平面設計師 YOSHIROTTEN 等推出全新聯乘系列。系列名為 “ NEO-MIYAGE(ネオ土産)” UT 服飾,“Neo” 是 NEW 的古文,同樣有著「新」的含義,結合日本傳統藝妓、忠犬八公、忍者、壽司等元素,希望帶給大家有別於以往、同時又能代表日本的新紀念品,台灣與日本同步將於 2 月 17 日開始販售第一彈系列,包含 YOSHIROTTEN、空山基、山口はるみ、佃弘樹及 ハロシ 等,第二彈則預計於 4 月開始販售。


台灣販售日期:2020 年 2 月 17 日
販售地點:明曜旗艦店、台北西門店、 ATT 4 FUN 信義店以及網路商店販售




資料來源忠犬小八成了空山基的機械狗 UNIQLO x 涉谷藝術單位 NANZUKA “NEO-MIYAGE” 台灣販售資訊