Android Auto 8.0 / Android Automotive 13 大更新降臨,察覺變化了嗎?



發佈時間: 2022-08-28 10:04

更新時間: 2022-08-26 14:02

雖然講起來,已經正式告別手機螢幕的 Google 車載系統體驗,感覺上也沒有到真的長久的歷史。不過完成轉換為 Android Auto / Android Automotive 雙系統之後,這一波的大改版 Google 似乎著手從系統內在進行大調整 - 應該,畢竟說好的新介面似乎還沒正式上線(嘆)。繼續閱讀 Android Auto 8.0 / Android Automotive 13 大更新降臨,察覺變化了嗎?報導內文。
Android Auto 8.0 / Android Automotive 13
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Android Auto 8.0 / Android Automotive 13 大更新降臨,察覺變化了嗎?

回顧先前在 Google I/O 2022 他們針對車載系統的未來更新方向,可以看到無論是 Android Auto 或者是 Android Automotive OS,都接納了額外新增兩個長方形多功磚塊的彈性視窗。還能更漂亮的依據車載螢幕的比例進行調整。雖說給人有點 CarPlay 的設計感覺,不過仍讓許多 Google 車載系統的使用者,非常期待能在車子的中控螢幕看到耳目一新的功能介面。


最近,Google 也正式端出了兩個系統的最新版本,分別為 Android Auto 8.0 與 Android Automotive OS 13。自然大家最期待的是介面是否有改進。不過目前看來,先前發表會上提到的介面進化似乎還未登場。不過這並不代表 Google 就只是單純修一修 Bug 就直接讓版號升級而已。

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1000"] ▲圖:新介面不知道還要等多久...[/caption]

雖然沒能見到萬眾矚目代號為「Coolwalk」的介面更新降臨。不過根據 Google 針對最新 AAOS 13 的更新資訊可以看到,這套系統的連線規格有了大升級。已經可以支援 Ultra Wide Band(UWB)超寬頻技術,以及新世代的 Gabledorsch 藍牙技術。就先前的宣布,這些支援很可能在為新世代介面可以提供的 Fast Pair 與數位鑰匙的延伸功能有關。

這次的更新還帶來了針對相機 API 還有 Car Framework 與感測器框架方面的進化。更支援電源關閉時保留 Suspend-to-disk 與 Suspend-to-RAM 的支援。此外,新世代 Android 的隱私相關面板等功能也正式加入了 Android Automotive OS 13。並支援新的車輛整合。




Android camera2 API. Allows third party consumer apps to access one or more vehicle cameras concurrently without affecting the performance and behavior of the Extended View System (EVS).
Enumerate camera devices by relative locations. Allows clients to enumerate and open camera devices (or video streams) according to relative locations, along with hardware details (for example, device node name) hidden from clients.
EVS hotplug events. Adds notification and handling of hotplug cameras.

Car Framework

Car framework mainline. Added a new car framework module that includes car APIs and car services. This enables the updating of the car stack independent of Android platform versions.
Driving safety region support. Allows apps to specify regions for driving safety and allows the system to specify a region and to provide a temporary waiver.
Migrate the vehicle HAL from HIDL to AIDL. The HIDL HAL remains supported but new properties should only be added to new AIDL vehicle HAL.
Support larger payload and batch calls in VHAL. VHAL can now pass larger payloads through shared memory. Batching calls allows for the more efficient sending of multiple requests.
Navigation metadata filling for cluster. This feature extends the Navigation State Protocol Buffer in the Navigation State API with additional fields to describe navigation metadata.
Touch mode. Notifications are now detached from focus events in Android 13. In Android 12 and earlier, focus and touch mode are represented by the same C++ native FocusEvent. Touch mode changes are now represented in a new event, TouchModeEvent. This new native event is dispatched against all existing windows, whether focused or not.


Enable Ultra Wide Band (UWB). Provides multi-anchor support for locating UWB tags with an accuracy of 10cm.
Bluetooth mainline integration. Turns Automotive Bluetooth into a module to enable updates independent of Android platform versions. Hidden APIs are migrated to system APIs with ongoing support from Google.
Gabledorsch. A newer version of the Bluetooth stack is enabled, with support for automotive use cases.
Vehicular networking. Adds controls for Ethernet-based networks, including dynamic management of IP configuration, network capabilities, application access control lists, and the ability to connect and disconnect networks on the fly.
Reference TCU. Makes it more straightforward to integrate an external telematics ECU with Android through the Telephony HAL.
Projection support. Added a new API to include VendorElements as part of a generated hostapd AP configuration.
API to get a list of Wi-Fi channels and country codes when Wi-Fi is turned off.


Support Suspend-to-disk. Power-off mode to preserve the contents of RAM. Suspend-to-disk and Suspend-to-RAM are supported.
Control of the shutdown process. Allows vendors to take timely actions before and after Garage Mode.


Permission model for auto. Changes to the permissions model balance safety, privacy and user experience while driving.
Post-drive permission decision reminder. Reminds users who have parked of permission decisions made while they were driving.
Recent permission decisions. Recent permission decisions are surfaced within Privacy Settings, enabling users to change permission decisions.
Privacy dashboard for auto. Allows users to review recent app permission usage within Privacy Settings, including a timeline of events for sensors (such as location, microphone, and camera) and sub-attribution for GMSCore usage.


New sensor types in the Android sensor framework. Added new Inertial Measurement Unit (IMUs) sensor types for Limited Axes and Heading to support different sensor configurations and navigation use cases.


OEM telemetry. Enables OEMs to use an Android-powered infotainment system to configure and collect In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) and vehicle data.

User Management

Improved user lifecycle events management. Added a new user lifecycle filter to improve performance and simplify client code.

Vehicle Integration

New VHAL properties. Added new properites for fog lights, EV charging, trailer, vehicle weight, and wheel tick.




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資料來源Android Auto 8.0 / Android Automotive 13 大更新降臨,察覺變化了嗎?