
Harper's BAZAAR


發佈時間: 2019-10-01 20:04

更新時間: 2019-10-01 20:04


COPYRIGHT: Getty Images


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Photo by @sussexroyal | We are pleased to announce that Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex @sussexroyal is guest-curating our Instagram feed today! “Hi everyone! I’m so happy to have the opportunity to continue working with @NatGeo and to guest-curate this Instagram account; it’s one of my personal favourites. Today I’m in Liwonde National Park, Malawi an important stop on our official tour of southern Africa, planting trees for the Queens Commonwealth Canopy. As part of this takeover, I am inviting you to be a part of our ‘Looking Up’ social campaign. To help launch the campaign, here is a photograph I took today here in Liwonde of Baobab trees. “#LookingUp seeks to raise awareness of the vital role trees play in the Earth’s ecosystem, and is an opportunity for all of us to take a moment, to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings. So, join us today and share your own view, by looking up! Post images of the trees in your local community using the hashtag #LookingUp. I will be posting my favourite images from @NatGeo photographers here throughout the day, and over on @sussexroyal I will be sharing some of my favourite images from everything you post. I can’t wait to see what you see when you’re #LookingUp ? ?” ••• His Royal Highness is currently on an official tour to further the Queens Commonwealth Canopy, which was launched in 2015. Commonwealth countries have been invited to submit forests and national parks to be protected and preserved as well as to plant trees. The Duke has helped QCC projects in the Caribbean, U.K., New Zealand, Australia, Botswana, Malawi, and Tonga. Now, almost 50 countries are taking part and have dedicated indigenous forests for conservation and committed to planting millions of new trees to help combat climate change. The Duke’s longtime passion for trees and forests as nature’s simple solution to the environmental issues we face has been inspired by the work he has been doing on behalf of his grandmother, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, for many years.

National Geographic(@natgeo)分享的貼文 於 張貼

為宣傳自己發起的「Looking Up運動」,哈利王子昨日與《國家地理雜誌》合作,分享多張經由他挑選或親自拍攝的樹景,並於貼文下再次向大眾宣導植樹的重要。

「大家好!我很高興能繼續與我個人最愛的雜誌之一——《國家地理雜誌》合作,擔任他們的Instagram帳號客座編輯。今天,我在馬拉威的Liwonde國家公園,為了「Queens Commonwealth Canopy」(自2015年發起的多國合作植樹計畫」持續種樹。我誠摯地邀請你們成為「Looking Up」的一份子,每天不忘抬頭看看這些能幫助減緩全球暖化的樹木;貼文中的樹木是我在國家公園捕捉到的一棵猴麵包樹。」

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

National Geographic(@natgeo)分享的貼文 張貼

哈利王子繼續呼籲道:「所以加入我們吧;只需要簡單地抬頭仰望就好!拍下你社區中的樹木與我們分享,並且Hashtag #LookingUp,我會從中選出幾張我最喜歡的照片,發布在 @sussexROYAL的帳號上;至於由國家地理雜誌攝影師拍攝的其他樹景照,則會持續地在這個帳號更新。等不及欣賞你們的傑作了!」


COPYRIGHT: Getty Images

PHOTO CREDIT: Pool/Samir Hussein

哈利王子對於環境議題的努力一直是眾人有目共睹的;前天,他也才在The Telegraph上以〈對話是我們生存的基礎,我們必須擊敗貪婪、懈怠、與自私,才能真正向前行〉為主題,撰寫了一篇值得你我細細閱讀的文章,呼籲眾人集體環保才是維護自然的最佳守則。


COPYRIGHT: Getty Images

PHOTO CREDIT: Pool/Samir Hussein

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「你們怎麼敢」——16歲環保鬥士Greta Thunberg痛批全球各國領袖,推特上正式對槓唐納川普

