Stone'As Seaming Cut T-shirts / 接縫剪裁
1. 需透過 LINE 購物前往 Pinkoi 頁面,並在同一瀏覽器於 24 小時內結帳(若自動跳轉 App ,請在 App 交易),才具點數回饋資格。
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6. APP 請更新至Android v4.6.0 / iOS v4.1.5 以上才具贈點資格。
7. 點數將於出貨後 45 天後發送。
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11. 若於 LINE 購物前往 Pinkoi 頁面後才首次下載 Pinkoi APP 並完成訂單,不符合導購資格;承上,首次下載 Pinkoi APP 後,需透過 LINE 購物前往 Pinkoi 頁面,方享導購資格。商品描述
“As It Is “ ( as usual, as always, the end.) The name of the brand brings a sturdy image of Stone’As, it symbolises the peaceful stillness of the Blue and the irregular streamline of the Amoeba. It intrigues others to dig deeper into its core, the implication of its flexible appearance and the inner perseverance of the soul ripen into varied characters like all of us in the world we live in.品牌名稱是帶有堅固意象的Stone’As 象徵沈靜平和的藍色與像變形蟲不規則且流線感的輪廓,引人好奇而探究其堅實的內在,而靈活多變表象的含義,就如同在都市中的你我一般,內在堅毅的靈魂能演化出多變的角色與性格。by STONEAS team