內容簡介: 波西米亞之歌 (柴可夫斯基/德弗札克/布拉姆斯) 亞德利安·拉馬爾卡 中提琴 妲內·多肯 鋼琴 這是兩位年輕的音樂家在新冠病毒封城期間相遇的一個故事. 小提琴家兼熱門廣播與電視節目主持人丹尼爾·霍普(Daniel Hope)在2020年12月邀請法國中提琴家亞德利安·拉馬爾卡(Adrien La Marca)到他的藝術節目'Hope@home', 他的二重奏夥伴是德國-希臘裔鋼琴家妲內·多肯(Danae Dorken). 兩人相遇立刻爆出火花, 不只是在貝多芬與普羅高菲夫, 還有在安可曲查爾斯·阿茲納弗(Charles Aznavour)的(波希米亞人 La Boheme), 此曲是有關於兩位年輕人共享生活中簡單的事物並且忘卻其他現實中所有困難的一首令人懷舊的作品. 然後一個主意誕生了: 為何不一起從事一個跨越國家與音樂類別界線的錄音計畫? 這結果就是一個包含古典音樂, 法國傳統音樂, 電影音樂和香頌的新節目, 收錄在兩人的新專輯中. 在此專輯中間的是波西米亞-德裔作曲家漢斯·西特(Hans Sitt)的冊頁(Albumblätter)作品, 他是一位和布拉姆斯同時代的小提琴家. 這些冊頁作品是非常難得在音樂會節目中出現的沙龍音樂大師級作品. 其他與這些作品並列的是德佛札克, 柴可夫斯基和布拉姆斯等人的小珍品, 還有普朗克和薩提的精緻法國小品. 比較現代節目的則有法朗克·布瑞基(Frank Bridge), 娜迪亞·布蘭潔(Nadia Boulanger)和菲利浦·葛拉斯(Philip Glass)的作品. 還有兩首聞名的香頌歌曲, 修伯特·吉侯(Hubert Girauds)的(在巴黎的天空下Sous le ciel de Paris)和查爾斯·阿茲納弗(Charles Aznavour)的(波希米亞人 La Boheme), 散發出一種特殊的魅力. 這是一張有深度, 有驚喜的關聯, 但又有一種典型'波西米亞式'的輕鬆愉快, 讓這兩位音樂家和所有的人都忘卻失去音樂會時的無聊時光. 這張(波西米亞之歌)專輯是他們在新冠疫情之後帶來充滿著希望的獻禮, 一個超越所有的境界, 真誠相遇的音樂會時代. This is the story of two young musicians who met during the Coronavirus lockdown, of all things. Daniel Hope invited the French violist Adrien La Marca to appear on his Arte programme 'Hope@home last December. For the first time, his duo partner was the German-Greek pianist Danae Do?rken. Sparks flew between them right away, not only in Beethoven and Prokofiev, but also in the encore, La Boheme by Charles Aznavour, a nostalgic piece about two young people who enjoy the simple things in life and forget all the difficulties of reality. And already the idea was born: why not work together on a new project that transcends the frontiers of countries and musical genres? The result was a new programme featuring classical music, French traditional music, film music and chansons, which the pair have now recorded. At the heart of the recording are the Albumblatter of the Bohemian-German composer Hans Sitt, a violist and contemporary of Johannes Brahms. These 'album leaves are masterpieces of salon music that are far too rarely found in concert programmes. Alongside them are other little gems by Antoni?n Dvorak, Piotr Tchaikovsky and Brahms himself, but also French delicacies by Francis Poulenc and Erik Satie. More modern repertory is represented by Frank Bridge, Nadia Boulanger and Philip Glass. The two famous chansons, Hubert Girauds Sous le ciel de Paris and of course Aznavours La Boheme, exude a special charm. An album offering profundity, surprising associations, yet also a typically 'bohemian light-heartedness that enabled the two artists – but not only them! – to forget the dreariness of concert-deprived times. The album Chanson boheme is their contribution, brimming with hope, for the time after Coronavirus, an era of encounters and genuine concerts rising above all frontiers. 1 Hubert Giraud: Sous le ciel de Paris 2 Johannes Brahms: Liebesliederwalzer op. 52, No 6 3 Piotr I. Tchaikovsky: Valse Sentimentale 4 Antonin Dvorak: Songs My Mother Told Me 5 Frank Bridge: Serenade 6 Hans Sitt: Albumblatter op. 39, I - Moderato 7 Hans Sitt: Albumblatter op. 39, II - Andante Sostenuto 8 Hans Sitt: Albumblatter op. 39, III - Allegro 9 Hans Sitt: Albumblatter op. 39, IV - Allegro Molto Vivace 10 Hans Sitt: Albumblatter op. 39, V - Lento 11 Hans Sitt: Albumblatter op. 39, VI - Allegro 12 Eric Satie: Je te veux 13 Francis Poulenc: Les chemins de l?amour 14 Jules Massenet: Nuit d?Espagne 15 Joseph Cantaloube: Uno Jionto Postouro (Chants d'Auvergne) 16 Joseph Cantaloube: Obal di lou Limouzi (Chants d'Auvergne) 17 Nadia Boulanger: Lux Aeterna 18 Philip Glass: Mishima (String Quartet No 3) 19 Astor Piazzolla: Oblivion 20 Yann Tiersen: Tempelhof 21 Bruno Coulais: Cerf volant 22 Charles Aznavour: La Boheme