21AW的主題: 曙光 Dawn曙光 清晨的第一道陽光 帶給人希望的感覺顏色上也以暖色調為主朝霞的淺粉太陽散發出的粉橘光芒⋯爲主色系搭配上一些早晨天空的灰藍的色調延伸的設計 像是清晨的露水 雲彩的線條都融合在我們21AW的設計中另外我們解構起床時穿著的睡袍轉化爲更時尚的單品為設計更增添趣味希望在低迷的2021中帶來一抹 清/輕 新Clear/Soft/NewDawn : The first ray of sunlight in the morning, that brings hopeful feelings for humanity.Warm-toned, rose cloud of dawn, and the dazzling peach light of the sun as a base color.Match with the mist blue sky in the early morning. These are the colors of the collection.The extended element such as the details of morning dew and clouds, were all combined in the design of 21AW.On the other hand, we deconstruct the robe we wear when waking up, and turn into a more stylish item. In order to add more creativity into designHope that we can refresh the atmosphere and bring Clear/Soft/New in the downturn of 2021.