Colonex 120 CAPS by Vita plus
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Maintaining a clean digestive system leads to a lifetime of better health because when your colon is clean you get more nutrition from the food supplements you take. Throughout the course of our lives seldom do we think about the effects that greasy foods excessive dairy products meats and other foods with toxic substances can have on our digestive system particularly our intestines. In the same way that we take care and clean the outside of our bodies its just as important to keep the insides of our bodies clean also for this cleanliness can have great effects to our health. A good colon cleaner will eliminate old fecal matter and toxic waste which will eventually block proper digestion vital nutrients absorption and waste elimination. A healthy colon is an important part in sustaining a healthy body. Without the proper elimination of waste products serious health problems may arise which could have been otherwise prevented. This product is not a laxative.