studio displaysoundcorefinPCmaison margiela接骨木歐姆龍潘冰結Asusdyson 橘子跑步機Albion手電筒星巴克馬克杯歐樂bt21電視櫃balenciaga馬卡金園排骨婦潔紅酒杯咖啡粉理膚寶水 zenbook 14iphone 16 pro max中華航紙杯studio display
Fine art print made of crystal clear acrylic glass, aluminum layer, elastic silicone, and sturdy aluminum dibond backing. Approx. 30"W x 1"D x 40"T. Subframe easy to hang (no hardware included). Dust the fine art print with a soft, dry, lintfree cloth (a microfiber cloth, for example). To make sure you can enjoy your Dechamby piece for as long as possible do not use any glass cleaning products. Avoid applying too much pressure when wiping the surface. Made in Germany. Boxed weight, approximately 15 lbs.